Fat pass – a novel idea worth developing?

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Photo by Laura Tancredi on Pexels.com

A rather substantial portion of Western population is obese or overweight. It’s vacation time here in Italy and beaches are full. Almost everybody is overweight or obese.

It is a fact, then, that people like me who exercise and have a healthy and moderate diet will have to carry enormous burden to take care of reckless fat individuals like you.

You consume the hospital beds, require expensive treatments and surgeries, have broken bones, diabetes, and even the risk of Covid is much higher in your group. Yes, obesity is a huge risk factor in Covid-19. What are you prepared to do if you are so concerned with health?

Well, we could deploy a pass.

The fat pass, as we shall call it, shows green when your body-mass index is <21. Then you can go to a restaurant. We can use the fat pass together with the green pass. This system will create an extra healthy society.

I know it is easy to stay fit and slim. I just lost 10 kg, just for fun. Just don’t eat recklessly and implement a regular exercise regimen.

This is what I think when reading posts by people who feel their chemical injection regime should for some health reason be mandated to everybody. Look yourself in the mirror. Does it look at all that you are concerned with your health?

No you aren’t and no it doesn’t. You are sitting there all day, drinker beer, taking drugs, watching tv, eating recklessly, living completely unhealthy live, playing video games, using car to move slightest distances, not doing anything for your health. You can’t run even 3 km. There is not a single serious issue in your mind that has anything to do with health. You are not willing to do the slightest sacrifice to save me from the costs when you are hospitalized for some obesity related but completely avoidable condition. This is what I see when I go to the beach here. And yet, you have the audacity to restrict my life and my choices with some ridiculous “pass” for some alleged health “concern”.

Injecting my body permanently with an unknown and untested chemical product manufactured by a criminal pharmaceutical corporation is as repulsive and difficult as it is for you to take care, it seems, of your most basic health issues. So let’s drop this issue.

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